Attendance: Julie Drapeau, Brian Herron, Scott Blythe, Pat Furlong, Paul Warner, Deb Hickey, Mike Hickey,
Jocelyn Mackenzie, Susan Kuruvilla
Regrets: Gwen Allingham, Tanja Campbell, Amy DiRienzo, Chris Mollison, Andrea Hoyt
Call to order 7:05 pm
Minutes of January meeting passed.
- To further clarify, there has not been any discussion at any level to move GCPS 7s and 8s to AY. They are looking for interim solutions for two specific schools overcrowding issues-Stephen Leacock and Katimavik.
- Judy Ovington has resigned from council due to scheduling conflicts
- Financial audit beginning Feb 9th, 2011.
- Book Swap very well received. Most classes went through twice, only one small box of books left to be dropped off at public library. Worth doing again, but only once a year in honour of Literacy week.
- The Grade 8s have had their initial attempt at signing up for their Grade 9 classes online for AY Jackson. AY will come back next week to go over the process to clear up certain problems and misunderstandings.
- Report cards have gone home, no interview days scheduled but teachers are available to discuss any concerns.
- Phase 2 of the School Improvement Plan is coming up. The first phase was very effective; the results are available in the January newsletter.
- Superintendent Jill Bennett came to visit.
- The school’s flags are being replaced by a caring and concerned parent; there will be a bit of a ceremony for it.
- Kevin Frost, a blind athlete and motivational speaker will be coming to talk to the 6/7/8 classes.
- The NAC is coming for a visit
- February 15th is Twoonie Tuesday raising funds for students in need.
- February 15th is the seniors dance, raising funds for Twoonie Tuesday
- Crazy hat day was great fun.
- February 18 is a PD day, February 21st is Family Day.
- Financial statements presented.
- Parents of the 3 pizza orders whose cheques were returned have been notified. Replacement cheques for $30 and $60 respectively requested. Brian has contacted the parents for follow-up. Brian to follow up with Pat for unknown contact information.
- Available funds $3684
- Nothing has been received from Sporty Life yet. Scott to follow up with Mr Blauer
- Music stands purchase completed.
- Tchoukball arrived today, bill to be forwarded to Deb.
- Quikbooks CD has arrived and is going into envelope to be passed on to successive treasurers.
- Income from McDonald’s listed under ‘Projects’
- Mike presented bill to Deb for OCASC membership fees of $35.00. Council passed vote to pay OCASC membership fees.
- OCASC representatives discuss board policy, diversity initiatives, fundraising and have guest speakers
- Minutes available here.
- At chalk-it-up, there was discussion on implementing the Green Bin programme, ski trip insurance and fundraising for play structures.
- No Fundraising to report at this time.
Old Business
Gift items/silent auction
- Deb to talk to her contact at the bank about opening an account specifically to manage EBay/PayPal funds. This will isolate the account and hopefully prevent any unauthorized fluctuations in payments being reversed/returned affecting our operating funds.
Book Swap
- Not too much work in setting up. Posters and slips went out the week before announcing date. Julie set up the library the evening before: books on the tables, chairs pushed to the sides reducing access to school library books. Books that came in the day of the exchange were placed that morning by Pat. For next time, ask teachers to bring their students offerings into the library the day before.
Entertainment Pack
- In reviewing the terms of the contract, Brian has a few questions concerning lost/stolen/damaged books, minimums and penalties. He will set up a time with his contact and Pat to meet and discuss. Pat is reluctant given the results when the band did the Book. Mike suggested doing pre-orders and then then the books come, it is just a matter of selling those books instead of each child getting a book to sell.
New Business
- Brian is unable to attend the meeting February 10th. Asked council members to attend in his place. No- one at table able to commit.
Library Funds
- Mrs Aranoff did not get any funds from the Board to purchase books for the library this year. She had already asked for a book case and is reluctant to ask for funds for books. As council, we can offer her funds to purchase books without her requesting them. Proposed $500 to purchase books for school library. Passed unanimously.
- Julie in contact with MacMillans to fundraise with them. Given the OK to proceed conditional on there being no minimum orders, that delivery dates do not conflict with March Break or other events. Julie to confirm details and email information to council
Home Hardware
- The Home Hardware in Bridlewood has offered us a percentage of sales whenever parents come in and let them know that they are from GCPS. Paul will confirm our interest , update blog and provide blurb for the newsletter.
- Only $300 left outstanding in the pizza P.O. Re-order forms should be coming out shortly.
Parent Involvement
- There will be a play in May. Pat to solicit parents for council.
- We could ask Public Health or the WOCRC if they have any speakers that could come and give grade specific talks, then hold meetings directly after the talk. It would make for long council meetings, but may increase participation and build community.
- Paul is developing a Picnic Kit. Yay!!! It will hold information on contact numbers, volunteer requirements, tasks and timelines. That way it can be passed on from year to year without losing important information.
- Karaoke person has been contacted but has not yet responded.
Meeting adjourned 8:05 pm
Next meeting, March 8th, 7pm